Terms of Services
When engaging Adessa Electrical you are agreeing to the following Terms and Conditions. If you have any questions in relation to the following Terms and Conditions please contact us via info@adessaelectrical.com.au
Operative Provisions
These are the terms of service (Terms of Services) on which Adessa Design Pty Ltd t/a Adessa Electrical (ABN 98 640 636 99& (Adessa) will provide services to you (you or Client).
Please read these Terms of Services carefully. By agreeing and accepting a quote provided by Adessa you hereby agree to be bound by the terms and conditions detailed in these Terms of Service. By accepting a quote and by engaging the Services of Adessa, you warrant and represent to Adessa that you have read and understood these Terms of Service and accept them.
1. Definitions and Interpretation
1.1 Definitions
In these Terms of Services, unless the context requires otherwise:
Australian Consumer Law means Schedule 2 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth).
Business Day means a day which is not a Saturday, Sunday or bank or public holiday in Victoria, Australia.
Commencement Date means the date specified in the Quote.
Confidential Information means all information and data in any form or medium relating to a Party or its Related Bodies Corporate, whether provided, or accessible to the other Party, before or after the date of this Terms of Services.
Corporations Act means the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).
Fee means the fees payable to Adessa for the Services as set out in the Quote, or such other amount that may be determined and agreed in writing between the Client and Adessa from time to time.
Goods means goods provided by Adessa as defined in clause 10.
GST Law means the definition given to that term in the A New Tax System (Goods & Services Tax) Act 1999 (Cth).
Interest Rate means the penalty interest rate fixed under the Penalty Interest Rates Act 1983 (Vic) plus 2%.
Intellectual Property means patents, rights to inventions, copyright and related rights, trade marks, business names and domain names, rights in get-up, goodwill and the right to sue for passing off, rights in designs and unregistered designs, rights to use, and protect the confidentiality of, confidential information (including know-how, trade secrets, and datasets), technology and all other intellectual property rights, in each case whether registered or unregistered and including all applications and rights to apply for and be granted, renewals or extensions of, and rights to claim priority from, such rights and all similar or equivalent rights or forms of protection which subsist now or in the future, anywhere in the world.
Payment Terms means the payment terms set out in the Quote.
Personnel means an employee, director, officer, agent, representative, contractor or sub contractor of a Party.
Related Body Corporate has the same meaning as it has in the Corporations Act.
Quote means a quote for Services provided by Adessa to the Client.
Services means our services as defined in clause 4.
Termination Date means the date of termination of this Terms of Services in accordance with its terms or as a result of the Terms of Services being terminated on such other terms as are mutually agreed between the Parties.
a reference to a clause, paragraph, Quote or annexure is a reference to a clause, paragraph, Quote or annexure, as the case may be, of this Terms of Services;
if any act which must be done under this Terms of Services is to be done on a day that is not a Business Day, then the act must be done on or by the next Business Day;
a reference to any legislation includes subordinate legislation and all amendments, consolidations or replacements from time to time;
a reference to a natural person includes a body corporate, partnership, joint venture, association, government or statutory body or authority or other legal entity;
the words "includes" and "including" or words of similar effect are not words of limitation;
no clause of this Terms of Services shall be interpreted to the disadvantage of a Party merely because that Party drafted the clause or would otherwise benefit from it;
a reference to a Party includes the Party’s successors, assigns, and persons substituted by novation;
a reference to a covenant, obligation or Terms of Services of two or more persons binds or benefits them jointly and severally;
a reference to time and date is to local time and dates in Victoria, Australia; and
unless specified otherwise, a reference to “$” or “dollars” refers to Australian dollars.
2. Engagement
2.1 The Client wishes to engage Adessa to provide the Services specified in this Terms of Services.
2.2 In consideration for the Client paying Adessa the Fee, Adessa agrees to provide the Services in accordance with the terms set out in this Terms of Services.
2.3 The Parties agree that Adessa may engage in other work during the term of this Terms of Services without any restrictions.
3. Term
3.1 This Terms of Services takes effect on and from the Commencement Date and shall terminate on the Expiry Date as set out in the Quote (Initial Term)
3.2 If the Client wishes to engage Adessa for further Services following the Initial Term, the Client must place another Order in accordance with this Terms of Services.
4. The Services
4.2 Adessa provides electrical services and related advice for your home and/or business, including without limitation in relation to new home builds, renovations, lighting, home automation, data and networking, climate control, appliance installation, audio and visual, smoke alarms, home security, switchboards, house rewiring and power points (Services).
4.3 The specific Services to be performed under this Terms of Services are as set out in the Quote (Works).
4.4 Subject to the terms of this Terms of Services, Adessa will perform the Services and Works with due care and diligence in a professional and ethical manner.
4.5 The Client acknowledges and agrees that in the provision of Services, Adessa:
will exercise reasonable discretion within Adessa’s expertise regarding how best to perform the Services;
will have the right to make decisions regarding the performance of Services without the prior approval of the Client;
may, but is under no obligation to, provide reports regarding the provision of Services if requested in writing by the Client;
may put up signage as required by Adessa on the Site;
is only required to perform the Services within a reasonable time frame; and
is not required to meet key performance indicators, despite any prior written or oral agreements, representations or understandings between the Parties relating to such subject matter.
4.6 Adessa reserves the right to subcontract the provision of the Services to the Client.
5. The Client’s Obligations
5.1 In obtaining the Services, the Client must comply with all relevant legal and tax obligations, rules, laws ordinances and regulations, whether federal, state or local, including any requirements of a government authority, regulator, court of law, tribunal or similar authority in Australia and any other country relevant to the Client and must not instruct Adessa to do anything which may be contrary to law.
5.2 The Client agrees to pay the Fee in full to Adessa on the due date detailed in the Payment Terms without any set off, counterclaims or deductions.
6.1 The Client may obtain a quote for Adessa’s Services by:
emailing Adessa at info@adessaelectrical.com.au;
calling 0428 566 322;
contacting us at on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/adessaelectrical;
contacting us on Instagram at instagram.com/adessaelectrical; or
filling out the contact form on our website located at https://www.adessaelectrical.com.au/#contact-us .
6.2 Adessa will provide a written Quote to the Client based on the requested Goods and Services (Quote).
6.3 The Client must accept (Acceptance) or reject the Quote within 30 days from the date of issue, after which the quote will expire (Quote Period).
6.4 An accepted Quote is defined as an Order.
6.5 Adessa may amend the Quote at any time during the Quote Period before Acceptance, including without limitation because of requested variations by the Client or unforeseen circumstances, and issue a new Quote to the Client. Any new Quote provided attracts a new 30-day validity period from the date of issue.
6.6 The Client acknowledges and agrees that by accepting the Quote and these Terms of Services, the Client is entering into a binding agreement with Adessa.
6.7 If the Client accepts the Quote, Adessa will provide a written invoice (Invoice) to the Client stating the agreed Works and purchase price for the Works (Fee).
6.8 The Client must pay a non-refundable deposit upon issue of the Invoice by Adessa (Deposit). The Client acknowledges and agrees that Adessa will not commence Works prior to payment of the Deposit.
6.9 Adessa will endeavour to complete the Works within the Works Period as set out in the Quote. The Client acknowledges and agrees that the Works Period depends on the nature and scale of the works to be provided (Job).
6.10 Adessa will inform the Client if any unexpected delays to the Job are likely to occur.
6.11 If, during the Works Period:
the Client requests a variation to the Works; or
a variation to the Works is required due to unforeseen circumstances affecting Adessa’s ability to complete the Works during the Works Period,
the party requesting the variation must contact the other party in writing regarding such variation. Adessa may cease progress of any current Works with the Client until the variation and time frame of the Works is agreed between the parties in writing.
7. Prices
7.1 Unless specified otherwise, prices displayed in Adessa’s Quotes and Invoices are shown in Australian dollars (AUD).
7.2 Goods and Services Tax (GST) is payable by the Client as set out on the Quote and/or Invoice.
7.3 The Client acknowledges and agrees that it is responsible for any taxes, duties or other liabilities imposed by any government agency, including, without limitation, any goods and services taxes or any value added tax imposed on any Services acquired from Adessa. Where applicable, the Client must pay any such taxes, duties or other liabilities, without deduction or set off of any other amounts, at the same time and on the same basis as payment of the Purchase Price.
8. Payment
8.1 In consideration of the provision of the Services, the Client will pay the Fee to Adessa.
8.2 The Fee is made up of the Deposit and the balance of the purchase price (Balance).
8.3 The Deposit is payable upon Acceptance of the Quote as set out in clause 6 above.
8.4 The Balance is payable in stages depending on the nature and scale of the Job in accordance with this clause 8.
8.5 A Job may be classified as:
Small Job: for example, home improvements and renovations direct to you;
Medium Job: for example, new homes for builders; or
Large Job: for example, large-scale commercial projects for builders
(Job Type).
8.6 The Client acknowledges and agrees that the Job Type is determined in Adessa’s sole discretion and may differ from the examples set out in this clause 8. The specific Job Type will be set out in the Quote.
8.7 Payment for Small Jobs:
50% Deposit payable upon Acceptance; and
50% Balance payable upon full completion of the Works.
8.8 Payment for Medium Jobs:
30% Deposit payable upon Acceptance;
30% payable upon completion of the electrical rough-in stage;
30% payable upon completion of the electrical fit-off stage; and
10% payable upon full completion of the Works.
8.9 Payment for Large Jobs:
10% Deposit payable upon Acceptance;
40% payable upon commencement of the Job (to cover materials);
20% payable upon completion of the electrical rough-in stage;
20% payable upon completion of the electrical fit-off stage; and
10% payable upon full completion of the Works.
8.10 The Client will pay the Fee in accordance with the payment terms as set out in the Quote (Payment Terms).
8.11 The Fee owed to Adessa by the Client are calculated by Adessa and will be considered final and correct. Adessa will maintain in accordance with usual practice, accounts evidencing amounts owed to it by the Client. Entries in Adessa’s accounts are evidence of the existence and amount of the Client’s obligations to pay Adessa the Fee.
8.12 If the Client does not pay any amounts due to Adessa in accordance with the Payment Terms, Adessa may in its sole discretion:
charge Interest on the unpaid sums, calculated daily from the due date to the date on which the payment is made in full; and
suspend the Services or immediately terminate this Terms of Services without notice.
8.13 If the Client fails to make payment in accordance with the Payment Terms, Adessa is entitled to:
require the payment of cash upon delivery and commencement of any further Works;
charge default interest at 7% per annum compounding daily on any overdue amounts, including late payment charges and amounts beyond the Fee and beginning from the due date of payment;
claim from the Client all costs relating to any action taken by Adessa to recover moneys or goods due from the Client including, but not limited to, any legal costs and disbursements;
cease any further Works for the Client
terminate this Terms of Services or any other agreement between Adessa and the Client in relation to services and/or products that have not been provided or delivered.
9. Third Party Platforms
9.1 The Client acknowledges and agrees that Adessa may use third party platforms including without limitation Stripe, Tradify, Xero, ESV Connect, Facebook, Instagram and Wix in connection with providing the Services to the Client (Third Party Platforms).
9.2 The Client acknowledges and agrees that the Third Party Platforms are governed by their own terms and conditions and may use personal information of the Client as set out in their respective privacy policies.
9.3 By executing this Terms of Services, the Client acknowledges that it has read and agrees to Stripe’s terms and conditions located at https://stripe.com/au (Stripe Terms), and Tradify’s terms and conditions located at https://www.tradifyhq.com/au/terms and https://www.tradifyhq.com/au/privacy.
9.4 The Client acknowledges that in accordance with the Stripe Terms, a fee of 1.95% plus 30 cents will apply when paying an Invoice through Stripe.
10. Supply of goods and delivery
10.1 Adessa may supply goods to the Client as part of the Services, including without limitation supply of goods in relation to an installation or renovation (Goods).
10.2 Goods may be brought to the Site by Adessa’s personnel or delivered directly to the Site.
10.3 If Goods are delivered directly to the Site:
delivery is taken to occur at the time that Adessa or Adessa’s nominated carrier delivers the Goods to the Client’s nominated address, even if the Client is not present at the address;
the Client agrees to take delivery by receipt or collection of the Goods whenever they are tendered for delivery;
in the event that the Client is unable to take delivery of the Goods as arranged, then Adessa is entitled to charge a reasonable fee for redelivery and/or storage; and
the Client acknowledges and agrees that any delivery date or time specified by Adessa is an estimate only and the Client agrees that it will still accept delivery of the Goods even if they are delivered on a different date or time.
10.4 The Client acknowledges and agrees that Adessa is not liable for any loss or damage suffered as a result of any delay in delivery.
10.5 Risk and title of the Goods passes from Adessa to the Client upon payment of the Goods in full by the Client. If the Goods remain unpaid (whether partially or fully) for at least 60 days from date of the Invoice, Adessa may enter the Site to recover Goods to the value of amounts unpaid. Seized Goods will be put up for auction at the earliest convenience and proceeds will be firstly directed to any outstanding invoices of the Client, and then to costs of seizing the Goods. Any funds in excess from the sale of the seized Goods shall be returned to the Client.
10.6 Adessa is not liable for any failure or delay in supply or delivery of the Goods or Works where such failure or delay is wholly or partly due to any cause or circumstances outside the reasonable control of Adessa including, but not limited to any act of God, fire, flood, industrial disputes or unrest, government restrictions, transport delays, product shortages and delays, theft, vandalism, or accidents of any kind.
11. Cancellation
11.1 If a Client cancels or alters any Order or part Order at any time after Adessa has received the Order then Adessa reserves the right to charge to the Client the cost of any product/s or materials already acquired for the Job together with cost of labour and tooling expended to the date of such cancellation or alteration. This is a genuine estimate of costs and expenses incurred by Adessa to date.
12. Client Acknowledgements and Warranties
12.1 The Client acknowledges and agrees that it is their sole responsibility to check and confirm the Works outline on the Quote prior to acceptance of the Quote. Adessa is not liable for incorrect Orders as a result of failure to properly check the Quote prior to Acceptance and the Client is liable for any loss in relation to such failure, including without limitation reimbursement or payment to Adessa for Works partially or wholly completed by Adessa based on an incorrect Quote.
12.2 The Client warrants and represents to Adessa that the Works can be completed on the Site without interruption, in a continuous workflow and on the mutually agreed date as set out in the Quote. Adessa reserves the right to charge the Client any extra costs incurred by Adessa by virtue of inavailability of the Site or any interruption to the Works which is not caused by Adessa including without limitation any call-out fees, return-to-site charges and travel costs.
12.3 The Client must ensure that any plumbing, electrical installations and any other installations which are not the subject of the Quote or Invoice do not affect the Site and associated areas. Adessa is not responsible for any prior issues in the Site which do not form part of the Works.
12.4 The Client must ensure that Adessa has clear and free access to the Site at all times to enable Adessa to carry out the Works.
12.5 The Client acknowledges and agrees that Adessa is not liable or responsible for:
the visual presentation or noise levels of installed products, unless such forms part of the agreed Works; or
any loss or damage suffered by the Client as a result of reliance on Adessa’s advice.
12.6 The Client warrants and agrees that all items obstructing access to the Site, including but not limited to furniture, building supplies, other trade equipment, and temporary fencing, will be cleared and/or moved prior to the commencement of the Works. Such clearing and/or moving are not included in the scope of the services provided by the Adessa.
12.7 The Client acknowledges and agrees that, unless specifically set out in the Quote or Invoice:
removal from the site and disposal of rubble, fittings, wiring, materials, general waste, removed appliances, and packaging is not included in the scope of Adessa’s services. For larger Jobs, the Client agrees to provide a site bin at their cost and at Adessa’s request;
re-decoration and final making good are excluded from the Works, including without limitation patching holes in plaster that may have occurred during Adessa’s performance of the Services; and
electricity and communications connection works and associated fees are excluded from the Works.
12.8 The Client warrants that all existing electrical components, including but not limited to switchboards and wiring, comply with current Australian Electrical Standards. If any existing components are deemed non-compliant, Adessa will not carry out any works until the non compliance is rectified. Adessa may provide an additional quote for the necessary rectifications, which must be completed before other electrical works can proceed.
12.9 The Client warrants that a safe working environment will be provided to Adessa and their personnel at all times during the performance of the works on the Site.
12.10 The Client acknowledges that all costs associated with electricity and communications usage, including temporary power and communications, are not included in the quoted costs and are payable by the Client.
12.11 The Client acknowledges and agrees to bear any loss (monetary or otherwise) for any unauthorised use of or damage caused to Adessa’s equipment, tools, vehicles, stock, or other property by the Client.
12.12 The Client warrants that vehicle parking will be provided on Site for Adessa’s use and any lawful parking fees incurred by Adessa in connection with its provision of the Services to the Client will be forwarded to the Client for reimbursement.
12.13 The Client warrants and represents to Adessa, and undertakes that:
prior to entering into this Terms of Services, the Client was given a reasonable opportunity to obtain any advice (legal or otherwise) about this Terms of Services and the obligations and restraints contained in it;
the Client has had sufficient time to consider the terms of this Terms of Services, its implications and the advice given to them in respect of it;
the Client understands this Terms of Services and agrees that its terms are fair and reasonable in the circumstances;
the Client has entered into this Terms of Services voluntarily of their own freewill without duress, coercion, undue influence or pressure from either Adessa or any other person;
it is capable of, and will perform, its obligations as set out in this Terms of Services; and
it has full capacity and authority to enter into this Terms of Services.
12.14 The Parties acknowledge and agree that to the maximum extent permitted by law no representations or warranties have been made other than those expressly recorded in this Terms of Services or required by law and that, in respect of this Terms of Services or any part of it including the transactions contemplated pursuant to this Terms of Services, no party has relied or will rely upon any representations or information, whether oral or written, previously provided to or discovered by it.
12.15 The Client acknowledges that Adessa is relying upon the warranties given in this clause 12 in executing this Terms of Services.
12.16 The Client releases Adessa from any loss, damage, cost or expense that it may suffer as a result of Adessa performing its obligations under this Terms of Services or, from Adessa exercising any of its rights under this Terms of Services.
12.17 This clause survives the termination of these Terms of Services.
13. Adessa Warranties
13.1 Adessa’s Goods and Services come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. For major failures with the Service, the Client is entitled:
to cancel their service contract with Adessa; and
to a refund for the unused portion, or to compensation for its reduced value.
13.2 The Client is also entitled to choose a refund or replacement for major failures with Goods. If a failure with the Goods or Services does not amount to a major failure, the Client is entitled to have the failure rectified in a reasonable time. If this is not done, the Client is entitled to a refund for the Goods and to cancel the contract for the service and obtain a refund of any unused portion. The Client is also entitled to be compensated for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage from a failure in the Goods or Services.
13.3 Clauses 13.1 and 13.2 together form the Warranty.
13.4 To the fullest extent permitted by law, this Warranty does not cover:
defects, damage or malfunctions of the Goods resulting from abnormal use or operation of the Goods including without limitation use of the Good other than in its normal and customary manner, wilful damage and vandalism, accident, war, act of God and neglect;
where the Good was not installed by Adessa, defects, damage or malfunctions of the Good caused by faulty installation or modification during installation;
defects, damage or malfunctions of the Good due to modification or purported modification of the Good by the Client or a third party;
defects, damage or malfunctions due to any attempt to repair or alter the Good or the completed Works by the Client or with a third party;
normal wear and tear of the Good;
an act by the Client that causes the Good to become of unacceptable quality;
damage caused by mould, insects, animals, vermin, foreign matter (including dust, dirt, moisture etc), or any other act or circumstance beyond Adessa’s control;
exposure to excessive heat, moisture or dampness;
exposure to abnormally corrosive or harsh roads or environmental conditions;
use or installation of the Goods by the Client or a third party in a manner that is inconsistent with any instructions pertaining to the Goods.
continued use of any Goods or Works after any defect becomes apparent or would have become apparent to a reasonably prudent operator or user; or
any issue with the Goods or Services where the Client allows someone other than a licensed professional to deal with the Goods.
13.5 Subject always, to the Client’s rights at law which are not limited by this clause, where the Client seeks to claim a remedy under the Warranty, it must allow Adessa the opportunity to:
inspect the Works provided;
rectify the Works if deemed appropriate by Adessa;
attend the Site at a time mutually convenient to both parties (where consent to attend the Site is not unreasonably withheld by the Client); and
document any issues on the Site including by taking video and photographs, and/or having a subject matter expert attend the Site.
13.6 Adessa may charge the Client an initial call-out fee if Adessa is required to travel outside of our premises to inspect Goods or Works pertaining to a warranty claim. The call-out fee will be reimbursed to you if the Good or Works are deemed to be faulty by Adessa upon assessment.
13.7 Adessa may require the Client to deliver the faulty Good to Adessa for assessment (at your cost initially, with this cost being reimbursed to you if the Good is deemed to be faulty by Adessa upon assessment).
13.8 The Client acknowledges and agrees that if Adessa replaces defective Goods, title to the defective Goods transfers wholly and unconditionally to Adessa.
13.9 If a Good has been delivered to Adessa for assessment under a claim and the warranty is not applicable to that Good upon assessment by Adessa, the Client has 30 days to collect (or otherwise obtain) the Good back from Adessa. If the Good is not collected or obtained by the Client within 30 days, Adessa may dispose of the Good at the Client’s expense.
13.10 Time is of the essence in relation to all stipulated time requirements in this clause 13.
14. Insurance, licences and registrations
14.1 Adessa shall have in effect and at all times maintain all the following insurance:
insurance required to be effected by law including worker's compensation insurance as prescribed by law for Adessa’s Personnel; and
$10 million public liability insurance.
14.2 Adessa maintains the following licenses and registrations:
Registered Electrical Contractor (REC 33454);
ACRS Master Cabler (A051242);
Registered Private Security Equipment Installer and Security Adviser (Z61- 844-50S); and
Elevated Work Platform Yellow Card Operator Licences.
15. Media Use and Marketing
15.1 Adessa may use photographs and video footage (whether taken by Adessa or otherwise obtained) (Media) in relation to the Services for the purposes of marketing and promotion of Adessa’s business, including without limitation of the Sites prior, during and after completion of the Works.
15.2 For the avoidance of doubt, the Media includes any photos or videos sent to Adessa by the Client, or other media of Adessa’s Work found online.
15.3 The Media may be used for Adessa’s website located at www.adessaelectrical.com.au, social media accounts, email marketing, online reviews, print and other digital marketing materials (Marketing Purposes).
15.4 In addition to use of the Media, Adessa may also use information regarding the Job, such as the Client’s name (including business name, or first name and last initial) and/or Site suburb for Marketing Purposes.
15.5 By executing this Terms of Services, you consent and agree to Adessa’s use of Media for Marketing Purposes.
15.6 If the Client wishes to withdraw consent to use of the Media for the purposes as set out in this clause 15, it must contact Adessa in writing prior to commencement of the Works.
16. Termination
16.1 Termination for convenience
Either party may terminate this Terms of Services for any reason at any time by giving 30 Business Days written notice to the other Party.
16.2 Termination on default
If Adessa breaches this Terms of Services and has not remedied such breach within 30 Business Days of receipt of written notice from the Client, then the Client may immediately terminate this Terms of Services by written notice to Adessa.
Adessa may immediately terminate this Terms of Services by written notice to the Client, if:
the Client fails to pay any amount due under this Terms of Services by the due date for payment;
Adessa suspects in its sole discretion, or if the Client actually, commits any breach or persistent breaches of any provision of this Terms of Services;
Adessa suspects in its sole discretion, or if the Client actually, becomes or is in jeopardy of becoming, subject to any form of insolvency (including suspension or cessation of business activities, liquidation, bankruptcy or insolvency, appointment of a receiver, trustee or administrator, application for court order for winding up, deemed insolvency or any such similar event); or
the Client ceases carrying on its business.
17. Effect of termination
17.1 Upon termination of this Terms of Services for any reason, the Client shall pay for all Services performed by Adessa up to the Termination Date in full.
17.2 Termination of this Terms of Services does not affect the accrued rights and liabilities of the Parties that are intended to remain in force after its termination.
18. Confidentiality
18.1 Both Parties agree to keep the Confidential Information of the other Party confidential and to use such information only for the purposes of performance of their respective obligations under this Terms of Services.
18.2 A Party must:
not disclose any Confidential Information of the other Party to anyone else except as permitted under this Terms of Services;
limit the disclosure of the Confidential Information within its own organisation only to those of its Personnel to whom such disclosure is strictly necessary for the purposes of this Terms of Services and who have been made aware of its confidential nature and have agreed to keep the information confidential in accordance with the terms of this clause; and
not use the name of the other Party in publicity releases, advertising or promotion of the Party unless the other Party has given its prior written consent (which shall not be unreasonably withheld).
18.3 The obligations of confidentiality in clause this clause 19 will not apply to information which:
is generally available in the public domain except where such availability is as a result of a breach of this Terms of Services;
is required to be disclosed to an accountant, legal advisor, investor or potential purchaser of the business or shares of Adessa;
was known prior to the disclosure of the information by the other Party; or
is required to be disclosed by law or court order, provided that they only reveal so much of the Confidential Information as it is required by law to disclose.
18.4 If Adessa breaches this clause 19, the Client agrees that its sole remedy will be termination of this Terms of Services on 30 Business Days' written notice.
19. Limitation of liability and Indemnity
19.1 To the maximum extent permitted by law, the Client releases and discharges Adessa and its Personnel from, and the Client acknowledges and agrees that Adessa is not liable for, any claim, action, demand, cost, expense, liability, loss or damage arising out of or in any way connected with this Terms of Services including any consequential or indirect losses, loss of profit, revenue or goodwill, loss of data, howsoever arising and whether caused by breach of statute, breach of contract, negligence or other tort.
19.2 To the maximum extent permitted by law, the Client assumes full liability for, and indemnifies and will keep indemnified, protected, saved and harmless and releases Adessa and its Personnel from and against any and all injuries, actions, proceedings, claims, demands, liabilities, losses, damages, costs, penalties and all expenses legal or otherwise (including court costs and legal fees reasonably incurred) and of whatsoever kind and nature (including claims based upon strict liability in tort) arising out of or in connection with, or alleged to arise out of or in connection with:
the Client’s breach of this Terms of Services;
any instructions provided to Adessa which if carried out may result in Service Provider breaching any law;
the use by Adessa of any material or Client Data provided by the Client;
any claim relating to any infringement or breach of a third party's intellectual property rights (whether patent, trademark, copyright or otherwise), or in relation to any claim of breach of legislation or regulation; or
any claim made against Adessa in connection with this Terms of Services.
19.3 To the maximum extent permitted by law, the Parties agree that Adessa's total liability arising out of or in connection with this Terms of Services, howsoever arising, including under contract, tort (including negligence), in equity, under statute or otherwise, will not exceed the total amounts paid by the Client to Adessa in the three (3) months preceding the circumstance giving rise to such liability under these Terms of Services, which may be zero.
19.4 Nothing in this Terms of Services purports to limit, restrict or exclude any rights available to the Client under the Australian consumer law that cannot be limited, restricted or excluded.
19.5 This clause survives the termination of this Terms of Services.
20. Privacy
20.1 Adessa may use and collect the Client’s Personal Information (as defined in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)) in order to provide the Services to the Client.
20.2 The Client may contact Adessa at info@adessaelectrical.com.au or 0428 566 322 if the Client has any questions regarding use of the Client’s Personal Information by Adessa or if the Client seeks to update its Personal Information.
20.3 Adessa may use Third Party Platforms to assist in providing the Goods and Services to the Client. By executing this Terms of Services, the Client acknowledges that it has read and agrees to the privacy policies of the Third Party Platforms as set out in clause 9 above.
21. Dispute Resolution
21.1 Dispute resolution procedure
The parties agree that, where applicable, any dispute relating to the payment for Services provided by Adessa will be resolved in accordance with the process set out in the Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 2002 (Vic) as summarised at https://www.vba.vic.gov.au/building/security-of-payment (SOP Act).
Where the SOP Act does not apply or the dispute is not in relation to payment of Services, a Party must not commence any court or other proceedings relating to the dispute unless it has first complied with the following procedure:
the Party claiming that a dispute has arisen must give written notice to the other Party specifying the nature of the dispute;
on receipt of that notice by that other Party, the Parties must endeavour in good faith to resolve the dispute using informal dispute resolution techniques such as mediation, expert evaluation, arbitration or similar methods agreed by them;
if the Parties do not agree within ten (10) Business Days of receipt of the notice (or such further period as the Parties agree in writing) as to:
the dispute resolution method and procedures to be adopted;
the timetable for all steps in those procedures; and
the selection and compensation of the independent person required for such method, the Parties must mediate the dispute in accordance with the Mediation Rules of the Law Society of Victoria, Australia.
21.2 Other proceedings
Nothing in this Terms of Services will prejudice the right of a Party to seek injunctive or declaratory relief in respect of a dispute or any matter arising under this Terms of Services.
22. GST
22.1 Words used in this clause 22 that have a defined meaning in the GST Law have the same meaning as in the GST Law unless the context indicates otherwise.
22.2 Unless expressly stated otherwise, the consideration for any supply under or in connection with this Terms of Services is exclusive of GST.
22.3 To the extent that any supply made under or in connection with this Terms of Services is a taxable supply (other than any supply made under another Terms of Services that contains a specific provision dealing with GST), the amount payable by the recipient is the consideration provided under this Terms of Services for that supply (unless it expressly includes GST) plus an amount (additional amount) equal to the amount of that consideration (or its GST exclusive market value) multiplied by the rate at which GST is imposed in respect of the supply.
22.4 The recipient must pay the additional amount at the same time as the consideration to which it is referable, and upon the issue of an invoice relating to the supply.
22.5 Whenever an adjustment event occurs in relation to any taxable supply to which clause 22.3 applies:
the supplier must determine the amount of the GST component of the consideration payable; and
if the GST component of that consideration differs from the amount previously paid, the amount of the difference must be paid by, refunded to or credited to the recipient, as applicable.
22.6 If either Party is entitled under this Terms of Services to be reimbursed or indemnified by the other Party for a cost or expense incurred in connection with this Terms of Services, the reimbursement or indemnity payment must not include any GST component of the cost or expense to the extent that the cost or expense is the consideration for a creditable acquisition made by the Party being reimbursed or indemnified, or by its representative member.
22.7 Adessa may request the Client to provide Adessa with written evidence of its business registration and Australian Business Number (ABN) where applicable, which shall not be unreasonably withheld from the Client.
23. Nature of Relationship
23.1 The Parties acknowledge and agree that Adessa provides the Services to the Client as an independent contractor.
23.2 Nothing in this Terms of Services creates an employment, agency, joint venture or partnership relationship between the Client and Adessa or between the Client and the Representative and it is the express intention of the Parties that any such relationships are denied.
23.3 Neither Party has the authority or power to bind the other in any way and shall not incur any liability on behalf of the other Party or in any way pledge or purport to pledge the other Party’s
23.4 This clause survives the termination of this Terms of Services.
24. Notices
24.1 In this Terms of Services, Notices include any approvals, consents, instructions, orders, directions, statements, requests and certificates or other communications that may be given, or are required to be given, under this Terms of Services.
24.2 Unless expressly stated otherwise in this Terms of Services, all Notices:
must be in writing; and
take effect from the time they are received unless a later time is specified.
25. General
25.1 Assignment: A Party must not assign, transfer, novate or deal with the whole or any part of its rights or obligations under this Terms of Services without the prior written consent of the other Party. Any purported dealing in breach of this clause is of no effect. A change in control (as defined in the Corporations Act) constitutes a deemed assignment.
25.2 Costs: Each Party must pay its costs of entering into and negotiation of this Terms of Services.
25.3 Entire agreement: These Terms of Services are the entire agreement between the Parties and supersedes all and any communications, negotiations, arrangements and agreements, whether oral or written, between the Parties in respect of the matters that are the subject of these Terms of Services.
25.4 Force majeure: If by reason of any fact, circumstance, matter or thing beyond the reasonable control of either Party including without limitation acts of God, natural disasters, epidemics, pandemics, acts of government or regulatory authorities, war, terrorism, labour strikes, civil unrest, and they are unable to perform in whole or in part any obligation under this Terms of Services then:
that Party is relieved of that obligation under this Terms of Services to the extent and for the period that it is unable to perform such obligation; and
that Party will not be liable to the other Party to this Terms of Services for failure to perform such obligation to the extent and for the period of non performance contemplated by this clause.
25.5 Further assurance: Each Party must from time to time and in a timely manner do all things reasonably required of it by the other Party to give effect to this Terms of Services.
25.6 Powers, rights and remedies: Unless otherwise stated in this Terms of Services, the powers, rights and/or remedies of a Party under this Terms of Services are cumulative and are in addition to any other powers, rights and remedies of that Party. Nothing in this Terms of Services merges, extinguishes, postpones, lessens or otherwise prejudicially affects any power, right, or remedy that a Party may have at any time against the other Party to this Terms of Services or any other person.
25.7 Severance: If any provision of this Terms of Services is prohibited by law or judged by a court to be unlawful, void or unenforceable, the provision shall, to the extent required, be severed from this Terms of Services and rendered ineffective as far as possible without modifying the remaining provisions of this Terms of Services, and shall not in any way affect any other circumstances of or the validity or enforcement of this Terms of Services.
25.8 Time of essence: Time is of the essence with regards to the Client’s obligations under this Terms of Services.
25.9 Waiver: A failure by either Party to take action to enforce its rights does not constitute a waiver of any right or remedy under this Terms of Services unless it is in writing signed by the Party granting the waiver.
25.10 Third parties: This Terms of Services does not, and is not intended to, confer any rights or remedies upon any person other than the Parties.
25.11 Non-solicitation: The Client agrees that during the Initial Term, the Further Term (if applicable) and for a period of 12 months after the date of termination of this Terms of Services, that it will not canvass, solicit or entice, employ, induce or attempt to employ, induce, solicit or entice away from Adessa, any Personnel or customer of Adessa.
25.12 Changes to Terms of Services: Adessa hereby reserves the right to amend these Terms of Services from time to time with notice to the Client. Please check this page for any updates. Any changes to the Terms of Services will become effective upon posting unless otherwise stated. By continuing to use the services after the changes take effect, you agree to be bound by the updated Terms of Services.
25.13 Jurisdiction: The Parties irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the state of Victoria, Australia.
25.14 Governing law: These Terms of Services will be governed by and construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Victoria, Australia.
Privacy Policy
When engaging Adessa Electrical you are agreeing to the following privacy policy. If you have any questions in relation to the following privacy policy please contact us via info@adessaelectrical.com.au
Adessa Electrical respects and is committed to protecting your privacy. We take may steps to handle any personal information collected on our website, via email, via phone, or any other platform, to ensure your information is kept private.
Adessa Electrical is the sole owner of any information collected and does not sell or share your information with others.
Information Collection and Use:
When engaging Adessa Electrical we may collect personal information. This information is stored in our databases and used only by Adessa Electrical.
Information collected may include, but is not limited to: full name, organisation name, billing address, phone number, email address, address of works, site information, site drawings and photographs, and any other information applicable.
Collected information is used to send emails and phone calls, create quotes, give advice and assistance, determine services required, issue invoices, create bookings, complete required works, and other related tasks. Information provided is also used by Adessa Electrical to analyse trends and statistics of the business.
Information collected is accessible by all staff members of Adessa Electrical.
Promotion Terms + Conditions
Adessa Electrical’s “Ceiling Fan Supply + Wire + Install by Adessa Electrical” promotion
In addition to Adessa Electrical Terms and Conditions + Privacy Policy, the following Terms and Conditions apply to Adessa Electrical’s “Ceiling Fan Supply + Wire + Install by Adessa Electrical” promotion:
Price includes: Aria 122cm DC Fan Only in White, all required cabling, standard switch, installation and commissioning. A timber support is also included if required.
Other fan types and colours available at additional cost and requires a formal quotation.
A Certificate of Electrical Safety will also be provided at a cost of $25 + GST. This certificate will be issued after full payment has been received.
Promoted works can only be completed in properties within 30kms of Clyde VIC.
Private owner-occupied dwellings only.
Single story dwellings with pitched roofs only. Multi-story dwellings, flat roofs, or dwellings with limited roof space will need to be inspected prior. Additional charges may apply.
Switches switches include Clipsal Iconic vivid white or Clipsal Classic white. Other switch types available at additional cost.
A 50% deposit is required before 11:59pm 24/10/2024 to secure this promotional price.
Full payment is required upon the completion of works.
Promotion subject to change.
Promotion not related to Facebook or Instagram.
Promotion not related to Beacon Lighting.
Works must be completed by 23/11/2024.
Offer available for redemption from 11:00am 10/10/2024 to 11:59pm 24/10/2024. To redeem offer contact Adessa Electrical via adessaelectrical.com.au, info@adessaelectrical.com.au, or 0428 566 322.
Adessa Electrical’s “Up to $300 off Security Cameras Supplied and Installed by Adessa Electrical” promotion
In addition to Adessa Electrical Terms and Conditions + Privacy Policy, the following Terms and Conditions apply to Adessa Electrical’s “Up to $300 off Security Cameras Supplied and Installed by Adessa Electrical” promotion:
Price includes selected quantity of Dorani DORIP06w- 6MP STARLIGHT Fixed Turret Security Cameras, Dorani NVR with selected number of channels (DORIP10B or DORIP11B), all required cabling up 300 metres, install and commissioning, and phone app setup.
If a power point is required at NRV location an additional charge of $180 + GST will apply. A Certificate of Electrical Safety will also be provided at a cost of $25 + GST. This certificate will be issued after full payment has been received.
Promoted works can only be completed in properties within 30kms of Clyde VIC.
Single Story Dwellings Only. Double story dwellings, outbuildings, and/or independent cameras will have additional charges apply.
A 50% deposit is required before 11:59pm 15/02/24 to secure this promotional price.
Full payment is required upon the completion of works.
Promotion subject to change.
Promotion not related to Facebook or Instagram.
Promotion not related to Dorani
Works must be completed by 15/03/2024.
Offer available for redemption from 11:00am 13/02/2024 to 11:59pm 15/02/2024. To redeem offer contact Adessa Electrical via adessaelectrical.com.au, info@adessaelectrical.com.au, or 0428 566 322.
Adessa Electrical’s “Replace your existing power point with a Combined Double Power Point with Dual USB Ports” promotion
In addition to Adessa Electrical Terms and Conditions + Privacy Policy, the following Terms and Conditions apply to Adessa Electrical’s “Replace your existing power point with a Combined Double Power Point with Dual USB Ports” promotion:
Existing, functioning power points replacement only. Adessa Electrical will assess and test all power points before any work is commenced. If power is assessed to be not functioning correctly, additional fees will apply to rectify where possible.
Price includes disconnection and removal of existing power point, supply of new power point / USB combo in selected style and USB combination, installation of new power point / USB combo, and Certificate of Electrical Safety.
Promoted works can only be completed in properties within 30kms of Clyde VIC
Switch plate styles available:
Classic (white)
or Clipsal Iconic (vivid white)
Other styles and colours available at additional cost.
Subject to availability
Combinations available:
Double power point with x2 USB-A ports
or double power point with x1 USB-A port and x1 USB-C port
Other options available at additional cost.
Subject to availability
Full payment is required upon the completion of works. Certificate of Electrical Safety will only be issued upon receival full payment.
Promotion subject to change.
Promotion not related to Facebook or Instagram
Offer available for redemption 24/08/2023 to 07/09/2023. To redeem offer contact Adessa Electrical via adessaelectrical.com.au, info@adessaelectrical.com.au, or 0428 566 322.
Works must be completed by 07/10/23.